
Showing posts from 2019

Despite U.S Sanctions And Forecasts Difficult 2020, Huawei's Revenue Hits $122 Billion In 2019

Huawei reported resilient revenue for 2019 on Tuesday as the embattled Chinese technology group continues to grow despite prolonged American campaign against its business, but cautioned that growth next year could prove more challenging. Eric Xu Huawei’s rotating chairman, wrote in a New Year’s message to employees that the company’s revenue has topped 850 billion Chinese yuan ($122 billion) this year, a new record high for the Chinese group and an 18% increase over the previous year. Xu said Huawei, the second largest smartphone maker globally, sold 240 million handsets this year, up from 206 million last year.  “These figures are lower than our initial projections, yet business remains solid and we stand strong in the face of adversity,” he wrote. He acknowledged that Huawei is confronting a "strategic and long-term" campaign against its business by the U.S government. If the campaign persists for long, it would create even more “difficult” environment for the 3

Winners Pastor Strikes Woman To Death In Delta State

Tragedy struck on Sunday evening in Otu-Jeremi (Otughievwen), Ughelli South council area of Delta state when an alleged youth pastor of Winner’s Chapel, Kenneth Lupor Mukoro, struck a woman to death. It was gathered that the deceased, Mrs. Irene Thompson Kupa, had gone to settle a dispute between the suspect and his neighbour. According to sources, the incident occurred at about 6:30pm at Aruorho Quarters of the town. The nature of the disagreement between Mukoro, a law graduate of the Delta State University (DELSU) and his neighbour could not be ascertained as at press time. However, it was learnt that the victim, an Isoko indigene also from the state, was hit on the head with a piece of wood while trying to make peace between the duo. Kupa, who was reportedly rushed to the Otu-Jeremi General Hospital before being referred to another one in Warri, sadly could not make I, as she died on the way to the hospital. The suspect is said to be gearing up for the Otughievwen co

Abuja Pastor Arrested For Selling Anointing Oil For N1 Million Per Bottle

The founder and President of Jesus Deliverance Ministry in Abuja, Pastor Shola Akande has been arrested by the Nigerian Police Force on Saturday, December 28 for allegedly selling anointing oil to his church members at the rate of one million per bottle.  It was gathered that the pastor reportedly declared that the power in the oil can make a poor man a millionaire in less than one month. He added that it can heal any sickness, it can raise the dead and it works signs and wonders.  While addressing his church members, he further added that he is not forcing anyone to but, it is all about choice, but those who chose to buy will gain it hundred times. This act has caused outrage on social media as several Christians in Nigeria can be seen condemning the activity with an argument that selling anointing oil is not Biblical, there is no where you can find in the Bible where the Apostles sold anointing oil. One of the members of the church revealed that some people bought two b

8 Multi-Millionaire Nigerian Footballers That Are Now Broke

Football is without a single ounce of doubt one of the most lucrative sports in the world and the English Premier League players are some of the highest paid footballers before the emergence of other leagues like the Chinese League which has seemed to take over.  There are a couple of Nigerian veteran footballers who have made millions from the game but sadly couldn’t keep their wealth and managed to lose the millions they earned while they played active football. It should be noted that several top players have a short career of not more than 10 years of active football and oftentimes have to go find another source of income when the time comes, while others manage to get jobs in coaching, others don’t excel and end up in a financial mess. Here’s a list of top Nigerian footballers who went from extremely rich to doing not so well financially. 1. Celestine Babayaro Celestine Babayaro was part of the Dream Team that had won Nigeria the Atlanta Olympics Gold Medal in

CREATIVITY! Nigerian Man Turns Popular Lagos Commercial Bus (Danfo) Into A Restaurant

Who said Nigerians are Not Creative? Nigeria is one of the countries with the most creative people in the world. Should we talk about the likes of Mr Saheed Adepoju, who is the Founder of Encipher Limited, a Nigerian-based technology company that introduced the first android tablet into Nigeria or the likes of Seyi Oyesola the co-inventor of CompactOR or the “Hospital in a Box”, a solar-powered life-saving operating room which can be transported to remote areas of Africa, or should I mention Mr Jelani Aliyu who I call the brain behind Chevrolet Motors. Jelani Aliyu is the brain behind all the beautiful designs of the Chevrolet Motors you see nowadays since he designed it all. If I said I should continue mentioning all the creative Nigerians I won’t even stop since they are numerous. So today I saw another creative Nigerian who I can proudly say he is also packaging his product at the same time. This man used a discarded Lagos Commercial bus popularly called Danfo to build a m

"This Is The Second Time They're Telling Me To Sacrifice My Mother In Order To Upgrade My Game" - Yahoo Boy Cries Out

Like they said: “No work is easy”. A confession of a Yahoo boy has left many speechless.  “I started the Yahoo Yahoo work like every other person. I first started with posting fake adverts on social media, then I moved on to dating.  It was while on dating that I met some other guys who are doing dating and are making lots of money. Some of them get gifts such as cars, iPhone 7, iPhone 6, 6 plus, sent to them. So I became inquisitive on what they are doing to be get those big big items for free.  Although, I have heard of Yahoo plus and it’s cleared from what they told me that it was plus they are using with the dating. Only that they didn’t tell me what was it they did. Sometimes in March one of my friend took me to ikorodu, where we met one herbalist. He did some ritual and then asked me if I have someone I love the most.  I lied that it’s my girlfriend and that we had a little misunderstanding. Before we left ikorodu that day the herbalist make it clear that I settle my di

NGOs Call For The Registration Of Prostitution As Business In Nigeria

Non governmental organization, Team of Detecting Agency for Government Reform Initiative, TDAGRI, has advocated for registration of prostitution work as a business in Nigeria.  The leader of the group, Hon, Nebeck Eziora made this proposal in a press release titled, “Nigeria in the Era of New Political Invention” stressing that prostitution should be recognised and registered as a business for it to serve as an extra revenue earner for the country.  While regretting what he called, general interlocutory indecency exposure caused by prostitution, he also suggested for a law to regulate guide prostitution activities in the country. Eziora also prescribed a number of other ways to regulate, including that: whoever wishes to be a prostitute shall obtain a renewable form from Cooperate Affairs Commission, or any other agency, as may be determined by government, with three referees including Traditional ruler of her community, her village head and Parent, among others. According to H

FOR MEN ONLY! How To Prevent Prostate Cancer

If you're concerned about your risk of prostate cancer, you may be interested in prostate cancer prevention. There's no sure way to prevent prostate cancer. Study results often conflict with each other, and most studies aren't designed to definitively prove whether something prevents prostate cancer. As a result, no clear ways to prevent prostate cancer have emerged. In general, doctors recommend that men with an average risk of prostate cancer make choices that benefit their overall health if they're interested in prostate cancer prevention. Choose a healthy diet There is some evidence that choosing a healthy diet that's low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables may contribute to a lower risk of prostate cancer, though research results have been mixed and this hasn't been proved concretely. If you want to reduce your risk of prostate cancer, consider trying to: Choose a low-fat diet.  Foods that contain fats include meats, nu

RCCG Pastor, Son And Daughter Drown Inside Swimming Pool In Spain

A 52-year-old pastor of The Redeemed Christian Church of God RCCG, Gabriel Diya, his 16-year-old son, Praise Emmanuel Diya and 9-year-old daughter, Comfort Diya, drowned inside the swimming pool in the Costa del Sol resort in Southern Spain on Tuesday December 24th. Gabriel Diya who was until his death the Minister in charge of the Open Heavens of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Charlton, South-East London, was on a family vacation with his wife and their children. Unfortunately, his daughter Comfort got into difficulty while playing in one of the 21 swimming pools in the resort. Himself and his son jumped in to try to save her but also struggled in the water. Despite poolside attempts to resuscitate them, all three died at the scene. His wife, Olubunmi, who was with them prayed fervently as CPR was performed on her husband and children. Sadly, they were all confirmed dead by the doctors.  Post-mortem examinations carried out on Christmas Day confirmed death by drown

Black Christmas! Typhoon Phanfone Strikes Philippines Kills At Least 16 People

A typhoon that swept across remote villages and popular tourist areas of the central Philippines on Christmas Day claimed at least 16 lives, authorities said Thursday. Typhoon Phanfone, with winds of 195 kilometres (120 miles) an hour, tore roofs off houses and toppled electric posts as it cut across the Philippines on Wednesday. With the internet and mobile phone networks still cut off in some badly damaged areas, a full assessment of Phanfone's damage was not immediately possible on Thursday morning. But at least 16 people had been confirmed killed in villages and towns in the Visayas, the central third of the Philippines, according to disaster agency officials. Phanfone also hit Boracay, Coron and other holiday destinations that are famed for their white-sand beaches and popular with foreign tourists. The airport at Kalibo, which services Boracay, was badly damaged, according to a Korean tourist who was stranded there and provided images to AFP. "Roads r

"If You Want Good Future, Then Stay Away From Sleeping With Lots Of Girls" - Nana Kwaku Bonsam

Ghanaian fetish priest Nana Kwaku Bonsam has adviced men to desist from sleeping with many girls as it block their chances of making it in the future. According to Kwaku Bonsam in an interview with Angel FM in Kumasi, dating a lot of girls is a waste of money and resources because monies spent could have been used for investment but spending it on girls only limit your ability to invest in your future. He also revealed that what keeps him happy and makes him stronger and powerful to his fellow priest is the fact that he doesn’t sleep with just any woman but younger ones. “I love dating and sleeping around young girls because it makes me happy and stronger. I am always young as compared to my age group and my secret is dating young girls. I’m not shy to tell Ghanaians that I go out with young girls”. “Ike do you know I don’t go to hospital. Yes I am strong and my immune system is strong to fight some diseases. Dating young girls has helped me a lot”  he said. “Though d

Boeing To Get New CEO By January 13th, 2020

Boeing’s CEO Dennis A. Muilenburg is CEO no longer, the company announced today. Effective January 13, 2020, current Board Chairman David L. Calhoun takes over the top executive officer spot at the aerospace company, and becomes president, as well. This isn’t exactly a surprising decision: Boeing’s year has been marked primarily by its handling of the 737 Max issues it faced, which stemmed from aircraft failures that resulted in crashes and the deaths of passengers.

Health Benefits Of Sex

Like running or going to the gym, sex is an aerobic form of exercise that unleashes a dose of the body’s feel-good hormone serotonin – except this workout is much more enjoyable than 30 minutes on a treadmill. Here are some of the health benefits that come from heading to the bedroom, besides putting a smile on your face: 1. Sex is good for the heart Around 30 minutes in the bedroom increases your pulse rate and helps keep your ticker fighting fit. This is because sex is a good form of exercise: on average, men burn 4.2 calories per minute during sex, and women burn 3.1 calories per minute. 2. Sex reduces stress Sex can help you to relax, and take your mind off everyday worries and anxieties. During sex your body releases endorphins and oxytocin, and these feel-good hormones create feelings of relaxation and intimacy, as well as helping to stave off anxiety and depression. In a small study of 46 men and women, participants were asked to do stress tests, includ

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

Olive Oil is packed with several health benefits, Bangalore based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood says " It is good for your heart, hair, skin and veins, if you massage it on blood clots, the clots would heal soon."Macrobiotic nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND says, "Olive oil is loaded with heart-protective polephenols that lower cholesterol. It is also packed with anti-inflammatory properties. The mono-saturated fatty acids boosts metabolism and aids weight loss."Dr. Simran Saini of Fortis Hospital also recommends the oil for its heart healthy properties, "Olive oil is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids- which improves good cholesterol(HDL). It is also good for digestion, and keeps your hormones balanced." HEALTH BENEFITS OF OLIVE OIL  1. Source of Monosaturated fatty acids:  Looking to shed some extra pounds? Switch to a diet that has least intake of trans fats. Olive oil is profuse with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), a health