6 Signs You’re Being Visited by Your Guardian Angel

The Bible tells us, “Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven, their angels are always in the presence of my Heavenly Father” (Matthew 18:10). This is one of the key passages in the Bible regarding guardian angels. We know from Scripture that the role of guardian angels is to guard men, institutions, cities and nations. However, we often have a distorted image of the functions of these angels. Many of us see them as beings that are good just to obtain advantages for us. Contrary to popular belief, this is not their only role. Guardian angels exist above all to help us in spiritual difficulties. God is with us through the action of the angels and they participate in our struggles to help us fulfill our calling. Guardian angels also conflict with the Hollywood vision of life. According to this view, there is a great tendency to think there are no struggles, difficulties or dangers and everything will have a happy ended. However, the Church teaches us the contrary. Life is full of struggles and dangers, both material and spiritual. Because of this, our Divine Creator has placed an angel to watch over each and every one of us. Want to know if you’re in the presence of your guardian angel? Here are six signs you’re being visited by your guardian angel.


If you are wondering about whether or not you are receiving messages from your angels, one way to determine it is to have faith and trust your intuition. These messages are frequently custom for the recipient, so only you may recognize their significance. If you feel strongly in your heart that something is guidance from your guardian angel, than it likely is. There are some common messages many will experience, but may not realize because they are not exactly what is expected or perceived as being an angel message. Angels are simple and do not necessarily make grand gestures when sending messages; they simply use what’s available and part of our daily lives


When you are not paying attention and a guardian angel is trying to get their message across, they might use a little humor to help you take notice; it’s called repetition. If you’ve ever heard the saying, “pay attention when things happen in threes” repetition should make sense. For example, within a matter of days three different people mention the same person. May this is a sign to get in touch with that person. The angels don’t give up on you. So if you hear the same thing repeated over and over again in your head, listen to it and act upon it. When you experience repeated coincidences, synchronicities, or dreams around the same theme, pay attention because your guardian angel may be trying to tell you something important.

A White Feather

A white feather is a major sign that you’re being visited by a guardian angel. It is also the most common of all the angel signs. A white feather may cross your path in an extremely unlikely location, and is said to arrive at times when you are in most need. Believers say that this angel sign is you’re guardian’s way of letting you know that they are with you and you are not alone. It is a safe and gentle way for a guardian angel to communicate that they are with you. Angels will use feathers of all shapes, colors and sizes to get your attention. The cool thing about finding feathers is the angels will align them on your path at just the right time to offer validation, comfort or clue to in as to the answer of a question you’ve asked, or to encourage you on the right path.


Angels will use songs and music to convey messages in several ways. The lyrics of the songs you’re listening to may reaffirm your intuitive feeling or a song might lift your spirits and reassure you that all will be well. Sometimes, a song might be a representation on your guardian angel’s presence. There may be a song that always comes on the radio or your playlist when you need it the most. This may be an old song that’s not even particularly popular on the radio anymore, but it touches you in a special way or sends you the very message you needed in that moment.


Have you ever spotted orbs, particularly strange colored ones? Many people have been noticing opaque circular features in their flash photographs taken with digital cameras and wondered what they mean. Digital photography has provided a means for us to recognize their existence. If you spot a bright light or a strange colored orb, you might think that your eyes are playing tricks on you. However, these lights and orbs are said to be “vehicles for angels.” You may spot an orb in your everyday life or you may look at a photograph and notice that there is a strange orb floating around you. Many claim that these unique lights are a sign that a guardian angel is by your side.


Since guardian angels know that humans are skeptical in nature and that we often question our sixth sense, they send us messages perceptible through scent. If you can’t explain an unexpectedly pleasant smell, it may be a sign that a guardian angel is nearby. Believers say that these sweet scents may simply be your angel’s way of reaching out to you to let you know they are with you. The smells may take the form of delicious food, fragrant flowers, or a pleasant perfume that a deceased love one used to wear. They will also send messages through sights and sounds. Seeing angel shapes, like in the clouds, or hearing a ringing in your ear, like a pleasant frequency often occurs as a confirmation of your intuition.

Just as angels are largely unseen by us, so also is their work. If we knew all the times angels were at work and the things they were doing right before us, we would be amazed. God does many things through His angels including giving us protection in times of danger, and not just physical danger, but also moral and spiritual danger as well. Hopefully, these six signs show you how guardian angels are at work in your life and remind us how great and powerful God is.


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