It's Far Beyond The OK Sign

Many celebrities pose with this signs and some of us may think it's just a mere pose or an OK sign no big deal about that but it's not that ordinary as we may seem. It's pure Satanic! Believe it or not. The fact still remains, truth is never concealed. The point is, this whole thing is REAL! Not a myth or fallacies.

These our favorite idols, stars, celebs worship the half goat half human demonic god named Baphomet in the exchange for Fame, Power and Wealth. They also perform Satanic rituals to keep being the headlight of the world. 

Again, the devil took Him(Jesus) to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; and he said to Him, "All these I will give you, if you will bow down and worship me." Then Jesus said to him, "Begone, Satan! For it is written, 
     "You shall worship the Lord your GOD and Him only shall you serve. " (Matthew 4 vs 8-10)

The hand signs simply means 666(Mark Of The Beast). The Illuminati are everywhere be it in politics/government, sports, music, movies, food industries, technology companies etc. They rule the world of the people of the flesh but the people of the spirit are under GOD'S rule! 


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